1. Apply a good brand of moisturizer.
If you lotion-up daily, your skin will surely become more elastic. If your skin has undergone a lot of stress and stretches, the stretched marks can be reduced if it is moisturized and hydrated. Be very careful in your choice of brand. You can look for brands that promise stretch mark reduction but make sure that you do researches about the particular brand first because not all promises are real.
2. Apply Vitamin E
There‘s vitamin E oil that you can purchase and this type of oil is said to be a miracle cure for the appearances of stretch marks.
1. Exercise
You can do a little walking early in the morning. You can ask your husband to accompany you to make the walking all the more fun and sweet. You can talk while you walk. That means a lot.
2. Be very mindful about what you eat.
Make sure that your body is taking in the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Avoid processed and fatty foods. If you are planning to breast feed your child, you need to be all the more careful and smart in your food choices.
3. Consider non surgical treatments.
There are a lot of helpful treatments that you can rely on so you can get in shape fast. The radio frequency body contouring is a good example. Make sure that you get it from a reputable dermatologist so there is nothing that you should ever regret. With the most effective body treatment, you can get in shape fast and you can get back your confidence as well.
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